The core module for Geopedia interactions
- class sentinelhub.geopedia.core.GeopediaService(config=None)[source]
The class for Geopedia OGC services
- Parameters:
config (SHConfig | None) – A custom instance of config class to override parameters from the saved configuration.
- class sentinelhub.geopedia.core.GeopediaSession(*, username=None, password=None, password_md5=None, is_global=False, **kwargs)[source]
For retrieving data from Geopedia vector and raster layers it is required to make a session. This class handles starting and renewing of session and login (optional). It provides session headers required by Geopedia REST requests. Session duration is hardcoded to 1 hour with class attribute SESSION_DURATION. After that this class will automatically renew the session and login.
- Parameters:
username (str | None) – Optional parameter in case of login with Geopedia credentials
password (str | None) – Optional parameter in case of login with Geopedia credentials
password_md5 (str | None) – Password can optionally also be provided as already encoded md5 hexadecimal string
is_global (bool) – If True this session will be shared among all instances of this class, otherwise it will be used only with the single instance. Default is False.
config – A custom instance of config class to override parameters from the saved configuration.
kwargs (Any) –
- SESSION_DURATION = datetime.timedelta(seconds=3600)
- property session_info: dict
All information that Geopedia provides about the current session
- Returns:
A dictionary with session info
- property session_id: str
A public property of this class which provides a Geopedia session ID
- Returns:
A session ID string
- property session_headers: dict
Headers which have to be used when accessing any data from Geopedia with this session
- Returns:
A dictionary containing session headers
- property user_info: dict
Information that this session has about user
- Returns:
A dictionary with user info
- property user_id: str
Geopedia user ID. If no login was done during session this will return ‘NO_USER’.
- Returns:
User ID string
- restart()[source]
Method that restarts Geopedia Session
- Returns:
It returns the object itself, with new session
- Return type:
- provide_session(start_new=False)[source]
Makes sure that session is still valid and provides session info
- Parameters:
start_new (bool) – If True it will always create a new session. Otherwise, it will create a new session only if no session exists or the previous session timed out.
- Returns:
Current session info
- Return type:
- class sentinelhub.geopedia.core.GeopediaWmsService(**kwargs)[source]
Geopedia OGC services class for providing image data. Most of the methods are inherited from sentinelhub.ogc.OgcImageService class.
- Parameters:
config – A custom instance of config class to override parameters from the saved configuration.
kwargs (Any) –
- get_request(request)[source]
Get a list of DownloadRequests for all data that are under the given field in the table of a Geopedia layer.
- Returns:
list of items which have to be downloaded
- Parameters:
request (OgcRequest) –
- Return type:
- get_dates(_)[source]
Geopedia does not support date queries
- Parameters:
request – OGC-type request
_ (OgcRequest) –
- Returns:
Undefined date
- Return type:
list[datetime.datetime | None]
- class sentinelhub.geopedia.core.GeopediaImageService(**kwargs)[source]
Service class that provides images from a Geopedia vector layer.
- Parameters:
base_url – Base url of Geopedia REST services. If None, the url specified in the configuration file is taken.
kwargs (Any) –
- get_request(request)[source]
Get a list of DownloadRequests for all data that are under the given field in the table of a Geopedia layer.
- Returns:
list of items which have to be downloaded
- Parameters:
request (GeopediaImageRequest) –
- Return type:
- get_gpd_iterator()[source]
Returns iterator over info about data used for the GeopediaVectorRequest
- Returns:
Iterator of dictionaries containing info about data used in the request.
- Return type:
GeopediaFeatureIterator | None
- class sentinelhub.geopedia.core.GeopediaFeatureIterator(layer, bbox=None, query_filter=None, offset=0, gpd_session=None, config=None)[source]
]]Iterator for Geopedia Vector Service
- Parameters:
layer (str | int) – Geopedia layer which contains requested data
bbox (BBox | None) – Bounding box of the requested image. Its coordinates must be in the CRS.POP_WEB (EPSG:3857) coordinate system.
query_filter (str | None) – Query string used for filtering returned features.
offset (int) – Offset of resulting features
gpd_session (GeopediaSession | None) – Optional parameter for specifying a custom Geopedia session, which can also contain login credentials. This can be used for accessing private Geopedia layers. By default, it is set to None and a basic Geopedia session without credentials will be created.
config (SHConfig | None) – A custom instance of config class to override parameters from the saved configuration.
- FILTER_EXPRESSION = 'filterExpression'
- get_geometry_iterator()[source]
Iterator over Geopedia feature geometries
- Return type: