Module for communication with Sentinel Hub Opensearch service.
For more search parameters check service description.
- exception sentinelhub.api.opensearch.TileMissingException[source]
This exception is raised when requested tile is missing at Sentinel Hub Opensearch service
- sentinelhub.api.opensearch.get_tile_info_id(tile_id)[source]
Get basic information about image tile
- Parameters:
tile_id (str) – original tile identification string provided by ESA (e.g. ‘S2A_OPER_MSI_L1C_TL_SGS__20160109T230542_A002870_T10UEV_N02.01’)
- Returns:
dictionary with info provided by Opensearch REST service
- Raises:
TileMissingException if no tile with tile ID tile_id exists
- Return type:
Dict[str, Any]
- sentinelhub.api.opensearch.get_tile_info(tile, time, aws_index=None, all_tiles=False)[source]
Get basic information about image tile
- Parameters:
tile (str) – tile name (e.g.
)time (None | str | date | Tuple[None | str | date, None | str | date]) – A single date or a time interval
aws_index (int | None) – index of tile on AWS
all_tiles (bool) – If True it will return list of all tiles otherwise only the first one
- Returns:
dictionary (or list of dictionaries) with info provided by Opensearch REST service
- Return type:
Dict[str, Any] | list[Dict[str, Any]]
- sentinelhub.api.opensearch.get_area_info(bbox, date_interval, maxcc=None)[source]
Get information about all images from specified area and time range
- Parameters:
bbox (BBox) – bounding box of requested area
date_interval (Tuple[None | str | date, None | str | date]) – a pair of time strings in ISO8601 format
maxcc (float | None) – filter images by maximum percentage of cloud coverage
- Returns:
iterator of dictionaries containing info provided by Opensearch REST service
- Return type:
list[Dict[str, Any]]
- sentinelhub.api.opensearch.get_area_dates(bbox, date_interval, maxcc=None)[source]
Get list of times of existing images from specified area and time range
- Parameters:
bbox (BBox) – bounding box of requested area
date_interval (Tuple[None | str | date, None | str | date]) – a pair of time strings in ISO8601 format
maxcc (float | None) – filter images by maximum percentage of cloud coverage
- Returns:
list of time strings in ISO8601 format
- Return type:
- sentinelhub.api.opensearch.reduce_by_maxcc(result_list, maxcc)[source]
Filter list image tiles by maximum cloud coverage
- Parameters:
result_list (Iterable[Dict[str, Any]]) – list of dictionaries containing info provided by Opensearch REST service
maxcc (float) – filter images by maximum percentage of cloud coverage
- Returns:
list of dictionaries containing info provided by Opensearch REST service
- Return type:
list[Dict[str, Any]]
- sentinelhub.api.opensearch.search_iter(tile_id=None, bbox=None, start_date=None, end_date=None, absolute_orbit=None, config=None)[source]
A generator function that implements OpenSearch search queries and returns results
All parameters for search are optional.
- Parameters:
tile_id (str | None) – original tile identification string provided by ESA (e.g. ‘S2A_OPER_MSI_L1C_TL_SGS__20160109T230542_A002870_T10UEV_N02.01’)
bbox (BBox | None) – bounding box of requested area
start_date (None | str | date) – beginning of time range
end_date (None | str | date) – end of time range
absolute_orbit (int | None) – An absolute orbit number of Sentinel-2 L1C products as defined by ESA
config (SHConfig | None) – A custom instance of config class to override parameters from the saved configuration.
- Returns:
An iterator returning dictionaries with info provided by Sentinel Hub OpenSearch REST service
- Return type:
Iterator[Dict[str, Any]]