Utility tools for writing unit tests for packages which rely on `sentinelhub-py`
from __future__ import annotations
import os
from typing import Any, Callable
import numpy as np
import pytest
[docs]def get_output_folder(current_file: str) -> str:
"""Use fixtures if possible. This is meant only for test cases"""
return os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(current_file)), "TestOutputs")
[docs]def assert_statistics_match(
data: np.ndarray,
exp_shape: tuple[int, ...] | None = None,
exp_dtype: None | type | np.dtype = None,
exp_min: float | None = None,
exp_max: float | None = None,
exp_mean: float | None = None,
exp_median: float | None = None,
exp_std: float | None = None,
rel_delta: float | None = None,
abs_delta: float | None = None,
) -> None:
"""Validates basic statistics of data array
:param data: Data array
:param exp_shape: Expected shape
:param exp_dtype: Expected dtype
:param exp_min: Expected minimal value
:param exp_max: Expected maximal value
:param exp_mean: Expected mean value
:param exp_median: Expected median value
:param exp_std: Expected standard deviation value
:param rel_delta: Precision of validation (relative)
:param abs_delta: Precision of validation (absolute)
stats_suite: dict[str, tuple[Callable[[np.ndarray], Any], Any]] = {
"shape": (lambda array: array.shape, exp_shape),
"dtype": (lambda array: array.dtype, exp_dtype),
"min": (np.nanmin, exp_min),
"max": (np.nanmax, exp_max),
"mean": (np.nanmean, exp_mean),
"median": (np.nanmedian, exp_median),
"std": (np.nanstd, exp_std),
is_precise = {"shape", "dtype"}
data_stats: dict[str, Any] = {}
exp_stats: dict[str, Any] = {}
for name, (func, expected) in stats_suite.items():
if expected is not None:
data_stats[name] = func(data)
exp_stats[name] = expected if name in is_precise else pytest.approx(expected, rel=rel_delta, abs=abs_delta)
assert data_stats == exp_stats, "Statistics differ from expected values"