Source code for

Module implementing error handlers which can occur during download procedure

from __future__ import annotations

import functools
import logging
import time
from typing import Callable, Protocol, TypeVar

import requests

from ..config import SHConfig
from ..decoding import decode_sentinelhub_err_msg
from ..exceptions import DownloadFailedException
from .models import DownloadRequest

class _HasConfig(Protocol):
    """Interface of objects with a config."""

    config: SHConfig

Self = TypeVar("Self")
SelfWithConfig = TypeVar("SelfWithConfig", bound=_HasConfig)
T = TypeVar("T")

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def fail_user_errors(download_func: Callable[[Self, DownloadRequest], T]) -> Callable[[Self, DownloadRequest], T]: """Decorator function for handling user errors""" @functools.wraps(download_func) def new_download_func(self: Self, request: DownloadRequest) -> T: try: return download_func(self, request) except requests.HTTPError as exception: if ( exception.response.status_code < and exception.response.status_code != ): raise DownloadFailedException( _create_download_failed_message(exception, request.url), request_exception=exception ) from exception raise exception from exception return new_download_func
[docs]def retry_temporary_errors( download_func: Callable[[SelfWithConfig, DownloadRequest], T] ) -> Callable[[SelfWithConfig, DownloadRequest], T]: """Decorator function for handling server and connection errors""" backoff_coefficient = 3 @functools.wraps(download_func) def new_download_func(self: SelfWithConfig, request: DownloadRequest) -> T: download_attempts = self.config.max_download_attempts sleep_time = self.config.download_sleep_time for attempt_idx in range(download_attempts): try: return download_func(self, request) except requests.RequestException as exception: # noqa: PERF203 attempts_left = download_attempts - (attempt_idx + 1) if not ( _is_temporary_problem(exception) or ( isinstance(exception, requests.HTTPError) and exception.response.status_code >= ) ): raise exception from exception if attempts_left <= 0: message = _create_download_failed_message(exception, request.url) raise DownloadFailedException(message, request_exception=exception) from exception LOGGER.debug( "Download attempt failed: %s\n%d attempts left, will retry in %ds", exception, attempts_left, sleep_time, ) time.sleep(sleep_time) sleep_time *= backoff_coefficient raise DownloadFailedException( "No download attempts available - configuration parameter max_download_attempts should be greater than 0" ) return new_download_func
[docs]def fail_missing_file(download_func: Callable[[Self, DownloadRequest], T]) -> Callable[[Self, DownloadRequest], T]: """A decorator for raising an error if a file is missing""" @functools.wraps(download_func) def new_download_func(self: Self, request: DownloadRequest) -> T: try: return download_func(self, request) except requests.HTTPError as exception: if exception.response.status_code == raise DownloadFailedException( f"File in location {request.url} is missing", request_exception=exception ) from exception raise exception from exception return new_download_func
def _is_temporary_problem(exception: Exception) -> bool: """Checks if the obtained exception is temporary and if download attempt should be repeated :param exception: Exception raised during download :return: `True` if exception is temporary and `False` otherwise """ return isinstance(exception, (requests.ConnectionError, requests.Timeout, requests.exceptions.ChunkedEncodingError)) def _create_download_failed_message(exception: Exception, url: str | None) -> str: """Creates message describing why download has failed :param exception: Exception raised during download :param url: A URL from where download was attempted :return: Error message """ message = f"Failed to download from:\n{url}\nwith {exception.__class__.__name__}:\n{exception}" if _is_temporary_problem(exception): if isinstance(exception, requests.ConnectionError): message += "\nPlease check your internet connection and try again." else: message += ( "\nThere might be a problem in connection or the server failed to process " "your request. Please try again." ) elif isinstance(exception, requests.HTTPError): server_message = decode_sentinelhub_err_msg(exception.response) message += f'\nServer response: "{server_message}"' return message