Module for working with Sentinel Hub OGC services
`Sentinel Hub OGC services <https://www.sentinel-hub.com/develop/api/ogc/standard-parameters/>`__.
from __future__ import annotations
import datetime
import logging
from base64 import b64encode
from enum import Enum
from typing import Any
from urllib.parse import urlencode
from ..base import DataRequest
from ..config import SHConfig
from ..constants import CRS, MimeType, ResamplingType, ServiceType
from ..data_collections import DataCollection
from ..download import DownloadRequest, SentinelHubDownloadClient
from ..geo_utils import get_image_dimension
from ..geometry import BBox, Geometry
from ..time_utils import RawTimeIntervalType, RawTimeType, filter_times, parse_time_interval, serialize_time
from .wfs import WebFeatureService
LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]class CustomUrlParam(Enum):
"""Enum class to represent supported custom url parameters of OGC services
See `documentation <https://www.sentinel-hub.com/develop/api/ogc/custom-parameters/>`__ for more information.
SHOWLOGO = "ShowLogo"
EVALSCRIPT = "EvalScript"
PREVIEW = "Preview"
QUALITY = "Quality"
UPSAMPLING = "Upsampling"
DOWNSAMPLING = "Downsampling"
GEOMETRY = "Geometry"
[docs] @classmethod
def has_value(cls, value: str) -> bool:
"""Tests whether CustomUrlParam contains a constant defined with a string `value`
:param value: The string representation of the enum constant
:return: `True` if there exists a constant with a string value `value`, `False` otherwise
return any(value.lower() == item.value.lower() for item in cls)
[docs] @staticmethod
def get_string(param: Enum) -> str:
"""Get custom url parameter name as string
:param param: CustomUrlParam enum constant
:return: String describing the file format
return param.value
[docs]class OgcRequest(DataRequest):
"""The base class for OGC-type requests (WMS and WCS) where all common parameters are defined"""
# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
def __init__(
layer: str,
bbox: BBox,
data_collection: DataCollection,
time: RawTimeType | RawTimeIntervalType = "latest",
service_type: ServiceType | None = None,
size_x: None | str | int = None,
size_y: None | str | int = None,
maxcc: float = 1.0,
image_format: MimeType = MimeType.PNG,
custom_url_params: dict[CustomUrlParam, Any] | None = None,
time_difference: datetime.timedelta = datetime.timedelta(seconds=-1),
**kwargs: Any,
:param layer: An ID of a layer configured in Sentinel Hub Dashboard. It has to be configured for the same
instance ID which will be used for this request. The satellite collection of the layer in Dashboard
must also match the one given by `data_collection` parameter
:param bbox: Bounding box of the requested image. Coordinates must be in the specified coordinate reference
:param data_collection: A collection of requested satellite data. It has to be the same as defined in
Sentinel Hub Dashboard for the given layer.
:param time: time or time range for which to return the results, in ISO8601 format
(year-month-date, for example: ``2016-01-01``, or year-month-dateThours:minutes:seconds format,
i.e. ``2016-01-01T16:31:21``). When a single time is specified the request will return data for that
specific date, if it exists. If a time range is specified the result is a list of all scenes between the
specified dates conforming to the cloud coverage criteria. Most recent acquisition being first in the list.
For the latest acquisition use ``latest``. Examples: ``latest``, ``'2016-01-01'``, or
``('2016-01-01', ' 2016-01-31')``
:param service_type: type of OGC service (WMS or WCS)
:param size_x: number of pixels in x or resolution in x (i.e. ``512`` or ``10m``)
:param size_y: number of pixels in x or resolution in y (i.e. ``512`` or ``10m``)
:param maxcc: maximum accepted cloud coverage of an image. Float between 0.0 and 1.0. Default is ``1.0``.
:param image_format: format of the returned image by the Sentinel Hub's WMS getMap service. Default is PNG, but
in some cases 32-bit TIFF is required, i.e. if requesting unprocessed raw bands.
Default is ``constants.MimeType.PNG``.
:param custom_url_params: A dictionary of CustomUrlParameters and their values supported by Sentinel Hub's WMS
and WCS services. All available parameters are described in
`documentation <https://www.sentinel-hub.com/develop/api/ogc/custom-parameters/>`__. Note: in case of
`CustomUrlParam.EVALSCRIPT` the dictionary value must be a string of Javascript code that is not
encoded into base64.
:param time_difference: The time difference below which dates are deemed equal. That is, if for the given set
of OGC parameters the images are available at datetimes `d1<=d2<=...<=dn` then only those with
`dk-dj>time_difference` will be considered. The default time difference is negative (`-1s`), meaning
that all dates are considered by default.
:param data_folder: location of the directory where the fetched data will be saved.
:param config: A custom instance of config class to override parameters from the saved configuration.
self.layer = layer
self.bbox = bbox
self.time = time
self.data_collection = data_collection
self.maxcc = maxcc
self.image_format = MimeType(image_format)
self.service_type = service_type
self.size_x = size_x
self.size_y = size_y
self.custom_url_params = custom_url_params
self.time_difference = time_difference
self.wfs_iterator: WebFeatureService | None = None
super().__init__(SentinelHubDownloadClient, **kwargs)
def _check_custom_url_parameters(self) -> None:
"""Checks if custom url parameters are valid parameters.
Throws ValueError if the provided parameter is not a valid parameter.
if self.custom_url_params is None:
for param in self.custom_url_params:
if param not in CustomUrlParam:
raise ValueError(f"Parameter {param} is not a valid custom url parameter. Please check and fix.")
if self.service_type is ServiceType.FIS and CustomUrlParam.GEOMETRY in self.custom_url_params:
raise ValueError(f"{CustomUrlParam.GEOMETRY} should not be a custom url parameter of a FIS request")
[docs] def create_request(self, reset_wfs_iterator: bool = False) -> None:
"""Set download requests
Create a list of DownloadRequests for all Sentinel-2 acquisitions within request's time interval and
acceptable cloud coverage.
:param reset_wfs_iterator: When re-running the method this flag is used to reset/keep existing ``wfs_iterator``
(i.e. instance of ``WebFeatureService`` class). If the iterator is not reset you don't have to repeat a
service call but tiles and dates will stay the same.
if reset_wfs_iterator:
self.wfs_iterator = None
ogc_service = OgcImageService(config=self.config)
self.download_list = ogc_service.get_request(self)
self.wfs_iterator = ogc_service.get_wfs_iterator()
[docs] def get_dates(self) -> list[datetime.datetime | None]:
"""Get list of dates
List of all available Sentinel-2 acquisitions for given bbox with max cloud coverage and the specified
time interval. When a single time is specified the request will return that specific date, if it exists.
If a time range is specified the result is a list of all scenes between the specified dates conforming to
the cloud coverage criteria. Most recent acquisition being first in the list.
:return: list of all available Sentinel-2 acquisition times within request's time interval and
acceptable cloud coverage.
return OgcImageService(config=self.config).get_dates(self)
[docs] def get_tiles(self) -> WebFeatureService | None:
"""Returns iterator over info about all satellite tiles used for the OgcRequest
:return: Iterator of dictionaries containing info about all satellite tiles used in the request. In case of
`DataCollection.DEM` it returns None.
return self.wfs_iterator
[docs]class WmsRequest(OgcRequest):
"""Web Map Service request class
Creates an instance of Sentinel Hub WMS (Web Map Service) GetMap request,
which provides access to Sentinel-2's unprocessed bands (B01, B02, ..., B08, B8A, ..., B12)
or processed products such as true color imagery, NDVI, etc. The only difference is that in
the case of WMS request the user specifies the desired image size instead of its resolution.
It is required to specify at least one of `width` and `height` parameters. If only one of them is specified the
other one will be calculated to best fit the bounding box ratio. If both of them are specified they will be used
no matter the bounding box ratio.
For more info check `WMS documentation <https://www.sentinel-hub.com/develop/api/ogc/standard-parameters/wms/>`__.
def __init__(self, *, width: int | None = None, height: int | None = None, **kwargs: Any):
:param width: width (number of columns) of the returned image (array)
:param height: height (number of rows) of the returned image (array)
:param layer: An ID of a layer configured in Sentinel Hub Dashboard. It has to be configured for the same
instance ID which will be used for this request. The satellite collection of the layer in Dashboard
must also match the one given by `data_collection` parameter
:param bbox: Bounding box of the requested image. Coordinates must be in the specified coordinate reference
:param time: time or time range for which to return the results, in ISO8601 format
(year-month-date, for example: ``2016-01-01``, or year-month-dateThours:minutes:seconds format,
i.e. ``2016-01-01T16:31:21``). When a single time is specified the request will return data for that
specific date, if it exists. If a time range is specified the result is a list of all scenes between the
specified dates conforming to the cloud coverage criteria. Most recent acquisition being first in the list.
For the latest acquisition use ``latest``. Examples: ``latest``, ``'2016-01-01'``, or
``('2016-01-01', ' 2016-01-31')``
(datetime.datetime, datetime.datetime)
:param data_collection: A collection of requested satellite data. It has to be the same as defined in
Sentinel Hub Dashboard for the given layer. Default is Sentinel-2 L1C.
:param size_x: number of pixels in x or resolution in x (i.e. ``512`` or ``10m``)
:param size_y: number of pixels in x or resolution in y (i.e. ``512`` or ``10m``)
:param maxcc: maximum accepted cloud coverage of an image. Float between 0.0 and 1.0. Default is ``1.0``.
:param image_format: format of the returned image by the Sentinel Hub's WMS getMap service. Default is PNG, but
in some cases 32-bit TIFF is required, i.e. if requesting unprocessed raw bands.
Default is ``constants.MimeType.PNG``.
:param custom_url_params: A dictionary of CustomUrlParameters and their values supported by Sentinel Hub's WMS
and WCS services. All available parameters are described in
`documentation <https://www.sentinel-hub.com/develop/api/ogc/custom-parameters/>`__. Note: in case of
`CustomUrlParam.EVALSCRIPT` the dictionary value must be a string of Javascript code that is not
encoded into base64.
:param time_difference: The time difference below which dates are deemed equal. That is, if for the given set
of OGC parameters the images are available at datetimes `d1<=d2<=...<=dn` then only those with
`dk-dj>time_difference` will be considered. The default time difference is negative (`-1s`), meaning
that all dates are considered by default.
:param data_folder: location of the directory where the fetched data will be saved.
:param config: A custom instance of config class to override parameters from the saved configuration.
super().__init__(service_type=ServiceType.WMS, size_x=width, size_y=height, **kwargs)
[docs]class WcsRequest(OgcRequest):
"""Web Coverage Service request class
Creates an instance of Sentinel Hub WCS (Web Coverage Service) GetCoverage request,
which provides access to Sentinel-2's unprocessed bands (B01, B02, ..., B08, B8A, ..., B12)
or processed products such as true color imagery, NDVI, etc., as the WMS service. The
only difference is that in the case of WCS request the user specifies the desired
resolution of the image instead of its size.
For more info check `WCS documentation <https://www.sentinel-hub.com/develop/api/ogc/standard-parameters/wcs/>`__.
def __init__(self, *, resx: str = "10m", resy: str = "10m", **kwargs: Any):
:param resx: resolution in x (resolution of a column) given in meters in the format (examples ``10m``,
``20m``, ...). Default is ``10m``, which is the best native resolution of some Sentinel-2 bands.
:param resy: resolution in y (resolution of a row) given in meters in the format
(examples ``10m``, ``20m``, ...). Default is ``10m``, which is the best native resolution of some
Sentinel-2 bands.
:param layer: An ID of a layer configured in Sentinel Hub Dashboard. It has to be configured for the same
instance ID which will be used for this request. The satellite collection of the layer in Dashboard
must also match the one given by `data_collection` parameter
:param bbox: Bounding box of the requested image. Coordinates must be in the specified coordinate reference
:param time: time or time range for which to return the results, in ISO8601 format
(year-month-date, for example: ``2016-01-01``, or year-month-dateThours:minutes:seconds format,
i.e. ``2016-01-01T16:31:21``). When a single time is specified the request will return data for that
specific date, if it exists. If a time range is specified the result is a list of all scenes between the
specified dates conforming to the cloud coverage criteria. Most recent acquisition being first in the list.
For the latest acquisition use ``latest``. Examples: ``latest``, ``'2016-01-01'``, or
``('2016-01-01', ' 2016-01-31')``
(datetime.datetime, datetime.datetime)
:param data_collection: A collection of requested satellite data. It has to be the same as defined in Sentinel
Hub Dashboard for the given layer. Default is Sentinel-2 L1C.
:param size_x: number of pixels in x or resolution in x (i.e. ``512`` or ``10m``)
:param size_y: number of pixels in x or resolution in y (i.e. ``512`` or ``10m``)
:param maxcc: maximum accepted cloud coverage of an image. Float between 0.0 and 1.0. Default is ``1.0``.
:param image_format: format of the returned image by the Sentinel Hub's WMS getMap service. Default is PNG, but
in some cases 32-bit TIFF is required, i.e. if requesting unprocessed raw bands.
Default is ``constants.MimeType.PNG``.
:param custom_url_params: A dictionary of CustomUrlParameters and their values supported by Sentinel Hub's WMS
and WCS services. All available parameters are described in
`documentation <https://www.sentinel-hub.com/develop/api/ogc/custom-parameters/>`__. Note: in case of
`CustomUrlParam.EVALSCRIPT` the dictionary value must be a string of Javascript code that is not
encoded into base64.
:param time_difference: The time difference below which dates are deemed equal. That is, if for the given set
of OGC parameters the images are available at datetimes `d1<=d2<=...<=dn` then only those with
`dk-dj>time_difference` will be considered. The default time difference is negative (`-1s`), meaning
that all dates are considered by default.
:param data_folder: location of the directory where the fetched data will be saved.
:param config: A custom instance of config class to override parameters from the saved configuration.
super().__init__(service_type=ServiceType.WCS, size_x=resx, size_y=resy, **kwargs)
[docs]class OgcImageService:
"""Sentinel Hub OGC services class for providing image data
Intermediate layer between QGC-type requests (WmsRequest and WcsRequest) and the Sentinel Hub OGC (WMS and WCS)
def __init__(self, config: SHConfig | None = None):
:param config: A custom instance of config class to override parameters from the saved configuration.
self.config = config or SHConfig()
if not self.config.instance_id:
raise ValueError(
"Sentinel Hub instance ID should be provided with SHConfig or saved into the configuration file."
"Check https://sentinelhub-py.readthedocs.io/en/latest/configure.html for more info."
self._base_url = f"{self.config.sh_base_url}/ogc"
self.wfs_iterator: WebFeatureService | None = None
[docs] def get_request(self, request: OgcRequest) -> list[DownloadRequest]:
"""Get download requests
Create a list of DownloadRequests for all Sentinel-2 acquisitions within request's time interval and
acceptable cloud coverage.
:param request: QGC-type request with specified bounding box, time interval, and cloud coverage for specific
:return: list of DownloadRequests
size_x, size_y = self.get_image_dimensions(request)
return [
url=self.get_url(request=request, date=date, size_x=size_x, size_y=size_y),
for date in self.get_dates(request)
[docs] def get_url(
request: OgcRequest,
date: datetime.datetime | None = None,
size_x: None | str | int = None,
size_y: None | str | int = None,
geometry: None | BBox | Geometry = None,
) -> str:
"""Returns url to Sentinel Hub's OGC service for the product specified by the OgcRequest and date.
:param request: OGC-type request with specified bounding box, cloud coverage for specific product.
:param date: acquisition date or None
:param size_x: horizontal image dimension
:param size_y: vertical image dimension
:return: url to Sentinel Hub's OGC service for this product.
url = self.get_base_url(request)
authority = request.theme if hasattr(request, "theme") else self.config.instance_id
params = self._get_common_url_parameters(request)
if request.service_type in (ServiceType.WMS, ServiceType.WCS):
params = {**params, **self._get_wms_wcs_url_parameters(request, date)}
if request.service_type is ServiceType.WMS:
params = {**params, **self._get_wms_url_parameters(request, size_x, size_y)} # type: ignore[arg-type]
elif request.service_type is ServiceType.WCS:
params = {**params, **self._get_wcs_url_parameters(request, size_x, size_y)} # type: ignore[arg-type]
elif request.service_type is ServiceType.FIS:
params = {**params, **self._get_fis_parameters(request, geometry)} # type: ignore[arg-type]
return f"{url}/{authority}?{urlencode(params)}"
[docs] def get_base_url(self, request: OgcRequest) -> str:
"""Creates base url string.
:param request: OGC-type request with specified bounding box, cloud coverage for specific product.
:return: base string for url to Sentinel Hub's OGC service for this product.
url = f"{self._base_url}/{request.service_type.value}" # type: ignore[union-attr]
if hasattr(request, "data_collection") and request.data_collection.service_url:
url = url.replace(self.config.sh_base_url, request.data_collection.service_url)
return url
def _get_common_url_parameters(request: OgcRequest) -> dict[str, Any]:
"""Returns parameters common dictionary for WMS, WCS and FIS request.
:param request: OGC-type request with specified bounding box, cloud coverage for specific product.
:return: dictionary with parameters
params = {"SERVICE": request.service_type.value, "WARNINGS": False} # type: ignore[union-attr]
if hasattr(request, "maxcc"):
params["MAXCC"] = 100.0 * request.maxcc
if hasattr(request, "custom_url_params") and request.custom_url_params is not None:
custom_params = request.custom_url_params.copy()
if CustomUrlParam.EVALSCRIPT in custom_params:
evalscript = custom_params[CustomUrlParam.EVALSCRIPT]
custom_params[CustomUrlParam.EVALSCRIPT] = b64encode(evalscript.encode()).decode()
if CustomUrlParam.GEOMETRY in custom_params:
geometry = custom_params[CustomUrlParam.GEOMETRY]
crs = request.bbox.crs
if isinstance(geometry, Geometry):
if geometry.crs is not crs:
raise ValueError("Geometry object in custom_url_params should have the same CRS as given BBox")
geometry = Geometry(geometry, crs)
if geometry.crs is CRS.WGS84:
geometry = geometry.reverse()
custom_params[CustomUrlParam.GEOMETRY] = geometry.wkt
for resampling in (CustomUrlParam.DOWNSAMPLING, CustomUrlParam.UPSAMPLING):
if resampling in custom_params:
custom_params[resampling] = ResamplingType(custom_params[resampling]).value
params.update({k.value: str(v) for k, v in custom_params.items()})
return params
def _get_wms_wcs_url_parameters(request: OgcRequest, date: datetime.datetime | None) -> dict[str, Any]:
"""Returns parameters common dictionary for WMS and WCS request.
:param request: OGC-type request with specified bounding box, cloud coverage for specific product.
:param date: acquisition date or None
:return: dictionary with parameters
bbox = request.bbox.reverse() if request.bbox.crs is CRS.WGS84 else request.bbox
params = {
"BBOX": ",".join(map(str, bbox)),
"FORMAT": MimeType.get_string(request.image_format),
"CRS": CRS.ogc_string(request.bbox.crs),
if date is not None:
start_date = (
date if request.time_difference < datetime.timedelta(seconds=0) else date - request.time_difference
end_date = (
date if request.time_difference < datetime.timedelta(seconds=0) else date + request.time_difference
start_date_str, end_date_str = serialize_time((start_date, end_date), use_tz=True)
params["TIME"] = f"{start_date_str}/{end_date_str}"
return params
def _get_wms_url_parameters(request: OgcRequest, size_x: int | str, size_y: int | str) -> dict[str, Any]:
"""Returns parameters dictionary for WMS request.
:param request: OGC-type request with specified bounding box, cloud coverage for specific product.
:param size_x: horizontal image dimension
:param size_y: vertical image dimension
:return: dictionary with parameters
return {"WIDTH": size_x, "HEIGHT": size_y, "LAYERS": request.layer, "REQUEST": "GetMap", "VERSION": "1.3.0"}
def _get_wcs_url_parameters(request: OgcRequest, size_x: int | str, size_y: int | str) -> dict[str, Any]:
"""Returns parameters dictionary for WCS request.
:param request: OGC-type request with specified bounding box, cloud coverage for specific product.
:param size_x: horizontal image dimension
:param size_y: vertical image dimension
:return: dictionary with parameters
return {"RESX": size_x, "RESY": size_y, "COVERAGE": request.layer, "REQUEST": "GetCoverage", "VERSION": "1.1.2"}
def _get_fis_parameters(request: OgcRequest, geometry: BBox | Geometry) -> dict[str, Any]:
"""Returns parameters dictionary for FIS request.
:param request: OGC-type request with specified bounding box, cloud coverage for specific product.
:param geometry: list of bounding boxes or geometries
:return: dictionary with parameters
start_time, end_time = serialize_time(parse_time_interval(request.time), use_tz=True)
params = {
"CRS": CRS.ogc_string(geometry.crs),
"LAYER": request.layer,
"RESOLUTION": request.resolution, # type: ignore[attr-defined]
"TIME": f"{start_time}/{end_time}",
if not isinstance(geometry, (BBox, Geometry)):
raise ValueError(
f"Each geometry must be an instance of sentinelhub.{BBox.__name__} or "
f"sentinelhub.{Geometry.__name__} but {geometry} found"
if geometry.crs is CRS.WGS84:
geometry = geometry.reverse()
if isinstance(geometry, Geometry):
params["GEOMETRY"] = geometry.wkt
params["BBOX"] = str(geometry)
if request.bins: # type: ignore[attr-defined]
params["BINS"] = request.bins # type: ignore[attr-defined]
if request.histogram_type: # type: ignore[attr-defined]
params["TYPE"] = request.histogram_type.value # type: ignore[attr-defined]
return params
[docs] def get_dates(self, request: OgcRequest) -> list[datetime.datetime | None]:
"""Get available Sentinel-2 acquisitions at least time_difference apart
List of all available Sentinel-2 acquisitions for given bbox with max cloud coverage and the specified
time interval. When a single time is specified the request will return that specific date, if it exists.
If a time range is specified the result is a list of all scenes between the specified dates conforming to
the cloud coverage criteria. Most recent acquisition being first in the list.
When a time_difference threshold is set to a positive value, the function filters out all datetimes which
are within the time difference. The oldest datetime is preserved, all others all deleted.
:param request: OGC-type request
:return: List of dates of existing acquisitions for the given request
if request.data_collection.is_timeless:
return [None]
if request.wfs_iterator is None:
self.wfs_iterator = WebFeatureService(
self.wfs_iterator = request.wfs_iterator
dates = self.wfs_iterator.get_dates()
dates = filter_times(dates, request.time_difference) # type: ignore[type-var]
LOGGER.debug("Initializing requests for dates: %s", dates)
return dates # type: ignore[return-value]
[docs] @staticmethod
def get_image_dimensions(request: OgcRequest) -> tuple[int | str, int | str]:
"""Verifies or calculates image dimensions.
:param request: OGC-type request
:return: horizontal and vertical dimensions of requested image
if request.service_type is ServiceType.WCS or (
isinstance(request.size_x, int) and isinstance(request.size_y, int)
return request.size_x, request.size_y # type: ignore[return-value]
if not isinstance(request.size_x, int) and not isinstance(request.size_y, int):
raise ValueError("At least one of parameters 'width' and 'height' must have an integer value")
missing_dimension = get_image_dimension(
request.bbox, width=request.size_x, height=request.size_y # type: ignore[arg-type]
if request.size_x is None:
return missing_dimension, request.size_y # type: ignore[return-value]
if request.size_y is None:
return request.size_x, missing_dimension
raise ValueError("Parameters 'width' and 'height' must be integers or None")
[docs] def get_wfs_iterator(self) -> WebFeatureService | None:
"""Returns iterator over info about all satellite tiles used for the request
:return: Iterator of dictionaries containing info about all satellite tiles used in the request. In case of
`DataCollection.DEM` it returns `None`.
return self.wfs_iterator