Module implementing an interface with
`Sentinel Hub Batch Processing API <https://docs.sentinel-hub.com/api/latest/api/batch-statistical/>`__.
# ruff: noqa: FA100
# do not use `from __future__ import annotations`, it clashes with `dataclass_json`
import datetime as dt
import logging
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from typing import Any, Optional, Sequence, Union
from dataclasses_json import CatchAll, LetterCase, Undefined, dataclass_json
from dataclasses_json import config as dataclass_config
from typing_extensions import deprecated
from ...exceptions import SHDeprecationWarning
from ...types import Json, JsonDict
from ..base_request import InputDataDict
from ..statistical import SentinelHubStatistical
from ..utils import AccessSpecification, datetime_config, enum_config, remove_undefined, s3_specification
from .base import BaseBatchClient, BaseBatchRequest, BatchRequestStatus, BatchUserAction
LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
BatchStatisticalRequestType = Union[str, dict, "BatchStatisticalRequest"]
[docs]class SentinelHubBatchStatistical(BaseBatchClient["BatchStatisticalRequest"]):
"""An interface class for Sentinel Hub Batch Statistical API
Check `Batch Statistical API <https://docs.sentinel-hub.com/api/latest/reference/#tag/batch_statistical>`__ for more
s3_specification = staticmethod(s3_specification)
def _get_service_url(base_url: str) -> str:
"""Provides URL to Batch Statistical API"""
return f"{base_url}/api/v1/statistics/batch"
[docs] def create(
input_features: AccessSpecification,
input_data: Sequence[Union[JsonDict, InputDataDict]],
aggregation: JsonDict,
calculations: Optional[JsonDict],
output: AccessSpecification,
**kwargs: Any,
) -> "BatchStatisticalRequest":
"""Create a new batch statistical request
`Batch Statistical API reference
payload = {
"input": {"features": input_features, "data": list(input_data)},
"aggregation": aggregation,
"calculations": calculations,
"output": output,
payload = remove_undefined(payload)
url = self.service_url
request_info = self.client.get_json_dict(url, post_values=payload, use_session=True)
return BatchStatisticalRequest.from_dict(request_info)
[docs] def create_from_request(
statistical_request: SentinelHubStatistical,
input_features: AccessSpecification,
output: AccessSpecification,
**kwargs: Any,
) -> "BatchStatisticalRequest":
"""Create a new batch statistical request from an existing statistical request.
:param statistical_request: A Sentinel Hub Statistical request.
:param input_features: A dictionary describing the S3 path and credentials to access the input GeoPackage.
:param output: A dictionary describing the S3 path and credentials to access the output folder.
:param kwargs: Any other arguments to be added to a dictionary of parameters
:returns: A Batch Statistical request with the same calculations and aggregations but using geometries
specified in the input GeoPackage.
return self.create(
[docs] def get_request(self, batch_request: BatchStatisticalRequestType) -> "BatchStatisticalRequest":
"""Collects information about a single batch request
`Batch Statistical API reference
:return: Batch request info
request_id = self._parse_request_id(batch_request)
request_info = self.client.get_json_dict(url=self._get_processing_url(request_id), use_session=True)
return BatchStatisticalRequest.from_dict(request_info)
[docs] def get_status(self, batch_request: BatchStatisticalRequestType) -> JsonDict:
"""Collects information about a status of a request
`Batch Statistical API reference
:return: Batch request status dictionary
request_id = self._parse_request_id(batch_request)
endpoint_url = f"{self._get_processing_url(request_id)}/status"
return self.client.get_json_dict(url=endpoint_url, use_session=True)
[docs] def start_analysis(self, batch_request: BatchStatisticalRequestType) -> Json:
"""Starts analysis of a batch job request
`Batch Statistical API reference
:param batch_request: It could be a batch request object, a raw batch request payload or only a batch
request ID.
return self._call_job(batch_request, "analyse")
[docs] def start_job(self, batch_request: BatchStatisticalRequestType) -> Json:
"""Starts running a batch job
`Batch Statistical API reference
:param batch_request: It could be a batch request object, a raw batch request payload or only a batch
request ID.
return self._call_job(batch_request, "start")
[docs] @deprecated("The method `cancel_job` has been replaced with use `stop_job`.", category=SHDeprecationWarning)
def cancel_job(self, batch_request: BatchStatisticalRequestType) -> Json:
"""Cancels a batch job
`Batch Statistical API reference
:param batch_request: It could be a batch request object, a raw batch request payload or only a batch
request ID.
return self._call_job(batch_request, "cancel")
[docs] def stop_job(self, batch_request: BatchStatisticalRequestType) -> Json:
"""Stop a batch job
`Batch Statistical API reference
:param batch_request: It could be a batch request object, a raw batch request payload or only a batch
request ID.
return self._call_job(batch_request, "stop")
[docs]@dataclass_json(letter_case=LetterCase.CAMEL, undefined=Undefined.INCLUDE)
class BatchStatisticalRequest(BaseBatchRequest): # pylint: disable=abstract-method
"""A dataclass object that holds information about a batch statistical request"""
# dataclass_json doesn't handle parameter inheritance correctly
# pylint: disable=duplicate-code
request_id: str = field(metadata=dataclass_config(field_name="id"))
completion_percentage: float
request: dict
status: BatchRequestStatus = field(metadata=enum_config(BatchRequestStatus))
user_id: Optional[str] = None
created: Optional[dt.datetime] = field(metadata=datetime_config, default=None)
cost_pu: Optional[float] = field(metadata=dataclass_config(field_name="costPU"), default=None)
user_action: Optional[BatchUserAction] = field(metadata=enum_config(BatchUserAction), default=None)
user_action_updated: Optional[str] = field(metadata=datetime_config, default=None)
error: Optional[str] = None
other_data: CatchAll = field(default_factory=dict)