Module for data decoding
from __future__ import annotations
import json
import struct
import tarfile
import warnings
from io import BytesIO
from json import JSONDecodeError
from typing import IO, Any
from xml.etree import ElementTree
import numpy as np
import tifffile as tiff
from PIL import Image
from requests import Response
from .constants import MimeType
from .exceptions import ImageDecodingError
[docs]def decode_data(response_content: bytes, data_type: MimeType) -> Any:
"""Interprets downloaded data and returns it.
:param response_content: downloaded data (i.e. json, png, tiff, xml, zip, ... file)
:param data_type: expected downloaded data type
:return: downloaded data
:raises: ValueError
if data_type is MimeType.JSON:
response_text = response_content.decode("utf-8")
if not response_text:
return response_text
return json.loads(response_text)
if data_type is MimeType.TAR:
return decode_tar(response_content)
if MimeType.is_image_format(data_type):
return decode_image(response_content, data_type)
if data_type is MimeType.XML or data_type is MimeType.GML or data_type is MimeType.SAFE:
return ElementTree.fromstring(response_content)
return {
MimeType.RAW: response_content,
MimeType.TXT: response_content,
MimeType.ZIP: BytesIO(response_content),
except KeyError as exception:
raise ValueError(f"Decoding data format {data_type} is not supported") from exception
[docs]def decode_image(data: bytes, image_type: MimeType) -> np.ndarray:
"""Decodes the image provided in various formats, i.e. png, 16-bit float tiff, 32-bit float tiff, jp2
and returns it as a numpy array
:param data: image in its original format
:param image_type: expected image format
:return: image as numpy array
:raises: ImageDecodingError
bytes_data = BytesIO(data)
if image_type is MimeType.TIFF:
image = tiff.imread(bytes_data)
elif image_type is MimeType.JP2:
image = decode_jp2_image(bytes_data)
image = decode_image_with_pillow(bytes_data)
if image is None:
raise ImageDecodingError("Unable to decode image")
return image
[docs]def decode_image_with_pillow(stream: IO | str) -> np.ndarray:
"""Decodes an image using `Pillow` package and handles potential warnings.
:param stream: A binary stream format or a filename.
:return: A numpy array representing an image of shape (height, width) or (height, width, channels).
with warnings.catch_warnings():
warnings.simplefilter("ignore", Image.DecompressionBombWarning)
return np.array(Image.open(stream))
[docs]def decode_jp2_image(stream: IO) -> np.ndarray:
"""Tries to decode a JPEG2000 image using the `Pillow` package.
:param stream: A binary stream format.
:return: A numpy array representing an image of shape (height, width) or (height, width, channels).
image = decode_image_with_pillow(stream)
bit_depth = get_jp2_bit_depth(stream)
return fix_jp2_image(image, bit_depth)
[docs]def decode_tar(data: bytes | BytesIO) -> dict[str, object]:
"""A decoder to convert response bytes into a dictionary of {filename: value}
:param data: Data to decode
:return: A dictionary of decoded files from a tar file
if isinstance(data, bytes):
data = BytesIO(data)
with tarfile.open(fileobj=data) as tar:
decoded_files = {}
for member in tar.getmembers():
file = tar.extractfile(member)
if file is not None:
decoded_files[member.name] = decode_data(file.read(), get_data_format(member.name))
return decoded_files
[docs]def decode_sentinelhub_err_msg(response: Response) -> str:
"""Decodes error message from Sentinel Hub service
:param response: Sentinel Hub service response
:return: An error message
if not isinstance(response.content, bytes) or not response.content:
return ""
json_message = json.loads(response.content)
if isinstance(json_message, dict) and "error" in json_message:
json_message = json_message["error"]
if isinstance(json_message, str):
return json_message
return json.dumps(json_message)
except JSONDecodeError:
server_message = []
for elem in decode_data(response.content, MimeType.XML):
if "ServiceException" in elem.tag or "Message" in elem.tag or elem.tag == "body":
for text in elem.itertext():
stripped_text = text.strip()
if stripped_text:
return " ".join(server_message)
except ElementTree.ParseError:
return response.text
[docs]def get_jp2_bit_depth(stream: IO) -> int:
"""Reads a bit encoding depth of jpeg2000 file in binary stream format
:param stream: binary stream format
:return: bit depth
while True:
read_buffer = stream.read(8)
if len(read_buffer) < 8:
raise ValueError("Image Header Box not found in JPEG2000 file")
_, box_id = struct.unpack(">I4s", read_buffer)
if box_id == b"ihdr":
read_buffer = stream.read(14)
params = struct.unpack(">IIHBBBB", read_buffer)
return (params[3] & 0x7F) + 1
[docs]def fix_jp2_image(image: np.ndarray, bit_depth: int) -> np.ndarray:
"""Because Pillow library incorrectly reads JPEG 2000 images with 15-bit encoding this function corrects the
values in image.
:param image: image read by opencv library
:param bit_depth: A bit depth of jp2 image encoding
:return: corrected image
if bit_depth in [8, 16]:
return image
if bit_depth == 15:
return image >> 1
except TypeError as exception:
raise OSError(
"Failed to read JPEG2000 image correctly. Most likely reason is that Pillow did not "
"install OpenJPEG library correctly. Try reinstalling Pillow from a wheel"
) from exception
raise ValueError(
f"Bit depth {bit_depth} of jp2 image is currently not supported. Please raise an issue on package Github page"