Source code for sentinelhub.api.batch.process_v2

Module implementing an interface with
`Batch Process V2 <>`__.

# ruff: noqa: FA100
# do not use `from __future__ import annotations`, it clashes with `dataclass_json`
import datetime as dt
import logging
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from typing import Any, Dict, Iterator, Optional, Union

from dataclasses_json import CatchAll, LetterCase, Undefined, dataclass_json
from dataclasses_json import config as dataclass_config
from typing_extensions import Literal

from ...constants import RequestType
from ...types import Json, JsonDict
from ..base import SentinelHubFeatureIterator
from ..process import SentinelHubRequest
from ..utils import AccessSpecification, datetime_config, enum_config, remove_undefined, s3_specification
from .base import BaseBatchClient, BaseBatchRequest, BatchRequestStatus, BatchUserAction, StoppedStatusReason

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

BatchRequestType = Union[str, dict, "BatchProcessRequest"]

[docs]class BatchProcessClient(BaseBatchClient): """An interface class for Sentinel Hub Batch API version 2. `Batch Process API <>`__ """ s3_specification = staticmethod(s3_specification) # pylint: disable=too-many-public-methods @staticmethod def _get_service_url(base_url: str) -> str: """Provides URL to Catalog API""" return f"{base_url}/api/v2/batch" def _get_processing_url(self, request_id: Optional[str] = None) -> str: """Creates a URL for process endpoint""" url = f"{self.service_url}/process" if request_id is None: return url return f"{url}/{request_id}"
[docs] def create( self, process_request: Union[SentinelHubRequest, JsonDict], input: Dict[str, Any], # noqa: A002 #pylint: disable=redefined-builtin output: Dict[str, Any], instance_type: Literal["normal", "large"] = "normal", description: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> "BatchProcessRequest": """Create a new batch request `Batch Process V2 <>`__ :param process_request: An instance of SentinelHubRequest class containing all request parameters. Alternatively, it can also be just a payload dictionary for Process API request :param input: A dictionary with input parameters. It can be built with `tiling_grid_input` or `geopackage_input` methods. :param output: A dictionary with output parameters. It can be built with `raster_output` or `zarr_output` methods. :param instance_type": Specifies which size of instances to use for the request. :param description: A description of a batch request :param kwargs: Any other arguments to be added to a dictionary of parameters. """ if isinstance(process_request, SentinelHubRequest): request_dict = process_request.download_list[0].post_values else: request_dict = process_request if not isinstance(request_dict, dict): raise ValueError( "Parameter sentinelhub_request should be an instance of SentinelHubRequest or a " "dictionary with a request payload" ) payload = remove_undefined( { "processRequest": request_dict, "input": input, "output": output, "instance_type": instance_type, "description": description, **kwargs, } ) request_info = self.client.get_json_dict(self._get_processing_url(), post_values=payload, use_session=True) return BatchProcessRequest.from_dict(request_info)
[docs] @staticmethod def geopackage_input(geopackage_specification: AccessSpecification) -> JsonDict: """A helper method to build a suitable dictionary for the `input` field. :param geopackage_specification: A specification of the S3 path for the Geopackage. Can be built using the `s3_specification` helper method. """ return {"type": "geopackage", "features": geopackage_specification}
[docs] @staticmethod def tiling_grid_input( grid_id: int, resolution: float, buffer_x: Optional[int] = None, buffer_y: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs: Any ) -> JsonDict: """A helper method to build a dictionary with tiling grid parameters for the `input` field. :param grid_id: An ID of a tiling grid :param resolution: A grid resolution :param buffer_x: Will expand each output tile horizontally (left and right) by specified number of pixels. :param buffer_y: Will expand each output tile vertically (up and down) by specified number of pixels. :param kwargs: Any other arguments to be added to a dictionary of parameters """ return remove_undefined( { "type": "tiling-grid", "id": grid_id, "resolution": resolution, "bufferX": buffer_x, "bufferY": buffer_y, **kwargs, } )
[docs] @staticmethod def raster_output( delivery: AccessSpecification, *, overwrite: Optional[bool] = None, skip_existing: Optional[bool] = None, cog_output: Optional[bool] = None, cog_parameters: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, create_collection: Optional[bool] = None, collection_id: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """A helper method to build a dictionary specifying raster output :param delivery: An S3 access specification containing a path or a template on an s3 bucket where to store results. You can use the `s3_specification` method for construction. For more information on templates see documentation. :param overwrite: A flag specifying if a request should overwrite existing outputs without failing :param skip_existing: A flag specifying if existing outputs should be overwritten :param cog_output: A flag specifying if outputs should be written in COGs (cloud-optimized GeoTIFFs) or normal GeoTIFFs :param cog_parameters: A dictionary specifying COG creation parameters. See documentation for more info. :param create_collection: If True the results will be written in COGs and a batch collection will be created :param collection_id: If True results will be added to an existing collection :param kwargs: Any other arguments to be added to a dictionary of parameters """ return remove_undefined( { "type": "raster", "delivery": delivery, "overwrite": overwrite, "skipExisting": skip_existing, "cogOutput": cog_output, "cogParameters": cog_parameters, "createCollection": create_collection, "collectionId": collection_id, **kwargs, } )
[docs] @staticmethod def zarr_output( delivery: AccessSpecification, *, group: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, array_parameters: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, array_overrides: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> JsonDict: """A helper method to build a dictionary specifying Zarr output. See documentation for more information on each parameter. `Batch Process V2 <>`__ :param delivery: An S3 access specification containing a path or a template on an s3 bucket where to store results. You can use the `s3_specification` method for construction. For more information on templates see documentation. :param group: Zarr group level parameters :param array_parameters: Parameters that will be used for all output arrays, except where overriden with `array_overrides`. Required unless `array_overrides` includes all required fields for all output arrays. :param array_overrides: Overrides the values of `array_arameters` for individual arrays. :param kwargs: Any other arguments to be added to a dictionary of parameters """ return remove_undefined( { "type": "zarr", "delivery": delivery, "group": group, "arrayParameter": array_parameters, "arrayOverrides": array_overrides, **kwargs, } )
[docs] def iter_requests( self, user_id: Optional[str] = None, search: Optional[str] = None, sort: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs: Any ) -> Iterator["BatchProcessRequest"]: """Iterate existing batch requests `Batch Process V2 <>`__ :param user_id: Filter requests by a user id who defined a request :param search: A search query to filter requests :param sort: A sort query :param kwargs: Any additional parameters to include in a request query :return: An iterator over existing batch requests """ params = remove_undefined({"userid": user_id, "search": search, "sort": sort, **kwargs}) feature_iterator = SentinelHubFeatureIterator( client=self.client, url=self._get_processing_url(), params=params, exception_message="No requests found" ) for request_info in feature_iterator: yield BatchProcessRequest.from_dict(request_info)
[docs] def get_request(self, batch_request: BatchRequestType) -> "BatchProcessRequest": """Collects information about a single batch request. `Batch Process V2 <>`__ """ request_id = self._parse_request_id(batch_request) request_info = self.client.get_json_dict(url=self._get_processing_url(request_id), use_session=True) return BatchProcessRequest.from_dict(request_info)
[docs] def update_request(self, batch_request: BatchRequestType, description: str) -> Json: """Update certain batch job request parameters. Can only update requests that are not currently being processed. `Batch Process V2 <>`__ :param batch_request: Batch request ID, a dictionary containing an "ID" field, or a BatchProcessRequest. :param description: A description of a batch request to be updated. """ request_id = self._parse_request_id(batch_request) return self.client.get_json( url=self._get_processing_url(request_id), post_values={"description": description}, request_type=RequestType.PUT, use_session=True, )
[docs] def start_analysis(self, batch_request: BatchRequestType) -> Json: """Starts analysis of a batch job request :param batch_request: Batch request ID, a dictionary containing an "ID" field, or a BatchProcessRequest. """ return self._call_job(batch_request, "analyse")
[docs] def start_job(self, batch_request: BatchRequestType) -> Json: """Starts running a batch job :param batch_request: Batch request ID, a dictionary containing an "ID" field, or a BatchProcessRequest. """ return self._call_job(batch_request, "start")
[docs] def stop_job(self, batch_request: BatchRequestType) -> Json: """Stops a batch job :param batch_request: Batch request ID, a dictionary containing an "ID" field, or a BatchProcessRequest. """ return self._call_job(batch_request, "stop")
[docs] def iter_tiling_grids(self, **kwargs: Any) -> SentinelHubFeatureIterator: """An iterator over tiling grids `Batch Process V2 <>`__ :param kwargs: Any other request query parameters :return: An iterator over tiling grid definitions """ return SentinelHubFeatureIterator( client=self.client, url=f"{self.service_url}/tilinggrids", params=remove_undefined(kwargs), exception_message="Failed to obtain information about available tiling grids", )
[docs] def get_tiling_grid(self, grid_id: int) -> JsonDict: """Provides a single tiling grid `Batch Process V2 <>`__ :param grid_id: An ID of a requested tiling grid :return: A tiling grid definition """ url = f"{self.service_url}/tilinggrids/{grid_id}" return self.client.get_json_dict(url=url, use_session=True)
[docs]@dataclass_json(letter_case=LetterCase.CAMEL, undefined=Undefined.INCLUDE) @dataclass(repr=False) class BatchProcessRequest(BaseBatchRequest): # pylint: disable=abstract-method """A dataclass object that holds information about a batch request""" # dataclass_json doesn't handle parameter inheritance correctly # pylint: disable=invalid-name request_id: str = field(metadata=dataclass_config(field_name="id")) request: dict domain_account_id: str status: BatchRequestStatus = field(metadata=enum_config(BatchRequestStatus)) error: Optional[str] = None user_action: Optional[BatchUserAction] = field(metadata=enum_config(BatchUserAction), default=None) user_action_updated: Optional[dt.datetime] = field(metadata=datetime_config, default=None) created: Optional[dt.datetime] = field(metadata=datetime_config, default=None) completion_percentage: float = 0 last_updated: Optional[dt.datetime] = field(metadata=datetime_config, default=None) cost_PU: Optional[float] = field(metadata=dataclass_config(field_name="costPU"), default=None) # noqa: N815 stopped_status_reason: Optional[StoppedStatusReason] = field( metadata=enum_config(StoppedStatusReason), default=None ) other_data: CatchAll = field(default_factory=dict) _REPR_PARAM_NAMES = ("request_id", "created", "status", "completion_percentage", "user_action", "cost_PU")